Willow Systems
Pebble App Package Generator

Create a pebble app package

This tool creates a pebble app package for submission to the rebble app store. Before you start, make sure you have read the app publishing guidelines and have all the necessary files ready. When you are finished, this tool will generate a zip file which you will then need to send to @joshua on the rebble discord

Please note: An offical developer portal is now available at rebble.io/submit. This tool is here for reference only now, and will not be updated.
1. Base Information
This will be the title in the appstore
App Type*:
2. App Descriptions
3. Icons

Large Icon* - Displayed on all listings in the rebble appstore
Small Icon* - Will be displayed on your pebble watchapp profile
4. Screenshots (must provide at least one)
5. Appstore Banner
6. The .pbw
.pbw file